Customizing Uniconta: How to add user-defined fields without coding

Customizing Uniconta How to add user-defined fields without coding

Uniconta stands out as a flexible ERP system that allows users to create custom fields and lists based on their unique requirements—without any development work. This feature ensures that the system aligns seamlessly with your business needs. In this blog, I’ll walk you through how to add two types of user-defined fields in Uniconta:

✅ Single-Value Fields (e.g., Date, Text, Number, Boolean)
✅ Dropdown Lists (Single or Multi-Selection)

Adding a single-value field in Uniconta

1. Adding a Single-Value Field in Uniconta
You can add a custom field like text, number, date, or a checkbox with just a few clicks.
Steps to Add a Single-Value Field

1. Navigate to:
Go to Tools → User Defined Fields
Choose the table where you want to add the field (e.g., Customer table)

2. Click “New” and fill in the details:
Name: The field name (avoid special characters or spaces)
Prompt Text: The label that appears on the interface
Group Name: Where the field will appear in the system (new groups are auto-created if they don’t exist)
Type: Choose the field type:
→ String → Text input
→ Boolean → Checkbox
→ Date → Date selector
Mandatory: Enable this if the field is required
Show in List Overview: Display the field in the customer overview page
Multiline: Allow multiple lines of text (only for String fields)

📌 Example: If you want to add a “Customer Rating” field, you can create a Number field and enable it in the customer overview.

Adding a List Field (Dropdown Selection)

Uniconta also lets you create dropdown lists where users can select one or multiple values from predefined options.

Steps to Add a List Field
1. Choose “Type” → Select one of these options:
Enum: Define your own list values
AppEnum: Use system-defined lists (e.g., Weekdays, CategoryType)
Multi-Selection: Allow users to choose multiple values

2. Define the values:
Enter values separated by “;” (e.g., Gold;Silver;Bronze)

📌 Example: If you want to add a “Customer Category” field with options like VIP, Regular, New, you can create an Enum list and define these values.

Why this matters?

With these simple steps, you can tailor Uniconta to fit your business processes without relying on developers. This feature empowers businesses to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently.

Would you like to explore more customization options in Uniconta? Contact us 🚀